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Twelve Nominations 2024

This is the nomination form for all categories as set out on our categories page.
(Follow this link to find out more if you have not yet looked at the category criteria.)

Do you know any incredible people, organisations or companies in Devon, Somerset or Cornwall that have positively impacted business and life?

Well, this is where you can nominate them for the Twelve Awards!

Nominations run from Monday 15th July 2024 through Sunday 15th September 2024.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to nominate the great people, companies and organisations from across the 3 counties.

The nomination process is simple and uncomplicated.

  1. You complete the form below related to the person, company or organisation you wish to nominate

  2. The nominee is alerted to the nomination

  3. If they accept, they receive a nomination certificate and they are added to the list for judging according to the category criteria

  4. After the nomination period has ended, the judges will determine a shortlist of finalist, who will be informed and will receive a finalist certificate.

  5. Final judging will take place and winners in each category will be announced at the awards ceremony on the 5th December 2024

PLEASE NOTE: Only one nomination is necessary as there is no voting for the finalists or winners. The judge’s decision is final and not contestable.
Should you wish to nominate a person, company or organisation in more than one category, please submit separate nomination forms for each category.

Form submission is now closed.

To submit additional nominations, please refresh this page.
All data previously entered will be deleted and you can start the next nomination.

For The TwelveAwards Terms and Conditions, please follow this link
All nominations, all judging and all decisions will comply with these terms and conditions and no others.